• What is microblading?

Microblading is a form of permanent makeup and is considered a cosmetic tattoo. Microblading is done using a disposable hand tool with an extremely fine blade attached to its end. The blade deposits pigment at a quite shallow depth into the epidermis. This technique allows the artist to create a soft and natural looking eyebrow by creating precise hair-like strokes that are meant to fade over the course of 1 - 3 years. 

  • Does Microblading hurt?

The process is not entirely pain free but is completely manageable. The client is numbed with a topical anesthetic prior to the service which will ensure a reasonable level of comfort. The client will then continue to be numbed throughout the service to maintain that same level of comfort. Most clients are surprised at how little pain they experience and most often rate it a 2 or 3 out of 10.

  • How long should I expect my new eyebrows to last?

The average client will get 18 months out of their microblading before requiring a touch up. However, it is not abnormal to need a touch up prior to that. This largely plays into the general makeup of your skin, your lifestyle, and how you care for your new brows long term. There are certain variables we can control and some we cannot. Those with extremely oily skin, thick skin with large pores, or someone who is constantly out in the sun or tans indoors- their microblading may need to be touched up prior to the 12 month mark. Results are not guaranteed due to the variations in our skin, each individual will break down pigment at a different rate. 

  • Can you tell me about the “healing process”?

The initial healing process lasts approximately 10-14 days and during this time your new brows will go through a few changes. Once bladed, your brows will initially appear 1-3 shades darker and you may experience a bit of tenderness. A few days after your session you may notice that the skin in your brow area feels a bit tight; this is telling us that the skin is beginning to heal by forming small and superficial scabs. Once we come to day 5/6 you’ll notice that your light scabbing may begin to shed away. During this time your brows may appear patchy/flakey, it’s extremely important that we do not pick, scratch, or exfoliate the brow area. Most clients heal between day 7 and 10 and usually no later than 14 days past the first session. Once healed, any scabbing/flakey skin will have shed away but you may find that your new brows appear lighter in color. This is normal and to be expected. Your skin is going through it’s natural exfoliation process, because the skin takes around 30 days to regenerate you may not see your final results until approximately 4 weeks after your appointment. At this point, you’ll be able to judge the healed color, your retention, and have some time to think about whether or not you’d like anything adjusted your second session. The average client will retain 75 % of the pigment from their first session. At the 6-10 week touch up we will address any pigment loss and if you’d like to select a darker shade or adjust the shape. This is a two part service and the very highly recommended touch up is pertinent to the process.

  • Am i a good candidate for microblading?

I cannot microblade if you are/have

  • pregnant/lactating 

  • under the age of 18

  • extremely oily skin

  • on blood thinning medications

  • diagnosed with diabetes

  • glaucoma

  • thick skin with deep pores, i.e "orang peel" skin

  • using Acutane/ Retin-a

  • uncontrolled high blood pressure

  • a sunburn

  • fresh deep tan

  • viral infection/diseases/general poor health

  • history of keloids/hypertrophic scarring

  • botox/facial filler in the last 4 weeks